Feb 21, 2011

Why Do People Call Me Loony?

I met the strangest person today at school. I told him, "You have a terrible infestation of Wrackspurts in your hair." I of course was my Spectrespecs so I could see them. He of course could not. I think that he, for some reason, thought I was crazy. Sometimes people call me Loony Lovegood, you know. People always hide my things. But they always come back in the end. Anyway, he told me to get away from him and he ran off. I do wonder why people think I am loony, sometimes. Oh! Dad just finished a new copy of the Quibbler! I wonder what it says... Of course, no article could beat that one on Sirius Black being the singer, Stubby Boardman... Oh, some come close though... Bye!


  1. That happened to me! I'm not "Ginny" I'm actually "Corinne" another Ravenclaw. I just said Ginny because-well, nevermind. I said to a boy at school "Oh my. You might want to get those Nargles out of your hair." He said. "I'm not taking "advice" from Crazy Corinne. Weirdo." How have we not met Luna?

  2. I have no idea. You believe in Crumple-Horned Snorkacks too, then? Finally! Someone with sense! You hopefully believe in Wrackspurts, to? I have never met someone as sensible as you, Corinne. Send me a message by:

    *Clicking the square picture of me at the top
    *Clicking "send a message" Be sure to ask me a question sometime, too. I will answer!
