Feb 21, 2011

Questions From the Readers

Hello! I read your blog every day! I just had some questions for you. Will you please blog about this? I live in a muggle neighborhood. My muggle neighbors asked me to go to a "Vomie" with them. So I did. But it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We all know the story of that. It only showed half of the story. But that is not my question. My question is about how they had different people being the characters in the story. Why couldn't they just use the real people? It is someone called Daniel Radcliffe that plays Harry. Why couldn't they just use Harry? It seems like that would make much more sense. AND HIS EYES WERE BLUE! What's up with that?
Bertty Nome

Dear Bertty,
Really? I would think it was easier to, but, who understands Muggles? If it was a documentary of Harry ages 11-17, (I have heard of the "Vomies" and Books) then they couldn't "flilm" Harry in between his adventures. If they had "flilmed" after the adventures were over, then 11 year old Harry would have been 36-43 when they "flilmed." It just would have been weird. And the Green to Blue eyes, I have no answer. Hmm... Was I in the "vomie?" In Harry's fifth-seventh year, I played a big part! I hope I was in there...


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